Author Topic: I am playing around with the title The Raper.  (Read 829 times)

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I am playing around with the title The Raper.
« on: June 13, 2006, 01:55:33 PM »
While sitting a park today I did some work on that story I have planned about the guy who rapes people to force them to live happy and great lives.

I am playing around with the title The Raper.  But everything is still in the playing around stage.  This shit isn't even set in cardboard muchless stone.

I like the title the raper because I plan not to explicitly point out that the people are raped anywhere in the story, and among the crimes the guy is charged with, i plan to make it such that rape is one of the few not on there.

I'm still trying to think of great jobs where people are really happy that are randomish, but i think i've figured out at least 3 of the "evil" people the raper creates.  I'm thinking of having an arsonist, a thief, and a guy who stalks people, rapes them, and then mutilates their bodies but specifically doesnt kill them.

I'm thinking that the arsonist dies in one of his own fires(just because the raper creates happy people doesn't make them necessarily competant) after a slew of fires that might set a record.

I plan for the 3 evil guys to be VERY successful at what they do.  Like before the arsonist dies he burns down a record number of buildings, or burns them down in record time, or burned down such and such number of buildings the highest number since 1928 or something like that.  And the thief to be very skilled and famed, and that serial mutilator to have a victim count that is huge by the end.

I plan to use the arsonists reign of death as kind of a harbinger of things to come.  They find out that 1 guy did all that.

  Then I think i'll introduce the mutilator second, just as a kind of an aside, and over the course of the story his victim count keeps going up and up and they realize that he was created by the same guy who created the arsonist.

  The thief will probably be a semi main character.  I plan for him to get caught and kind of leak some info about the Raper(that wont be his name in the story), to start the trail.  And I plan for the thief to get away.  I kind of think that the thief will be spending a lot of time with the Raper.  Perhaps the most time of any of his targets.  And through the thief they get some clues about what the Raper has been doing.

One of the "good" people created by a Raper I think should be a porn star.  I think the thief will point them to the porn star(a star by that time very well known and liked)

I've thought of a bunch of lifestyles which really would fulfill somebodies dream, thinks like being a humanitarian, doctor, some kind of military profession, a father(or mother), a business owner, a professional dancer, lots of things.  But the Raper is trying to make people happy primarily, and great secondarily.  And I think a porn star is a good way to show the range of ways a person can be happy.

I don't really know much about the law enforcement system, but with my limited knowledge I am thinking about having some FBI agent(or agents) be the mainest main character.  And I am thinking about having the FBI agents discover more or less several of the people the Raper "created", and I want the FBI agents to waver about whether this man should really get caught.
  And I definitely want at least one of the agents to be secretly unhappy about their job.  And the Raper targets them, and eventually when the Raper gets caught and executed, the FBI quits their job and gets the one that will make him happy.

I'm thinking about having the Raper be some sort of man of the church.  He will travel all around, working in different churches in different states over the years, and use those opportunities with people to select his targets.  This isn't an insult to religion(or at least it isn't intended that way) it just seems like the Raper given his motivations might have started his life as a priest or whatever before he began his life as the Raper.

I'm thinking about the Raper having only 1 long term contact, which is another priest or holy man.  He is probably one of the Rapers first targets.  And I'm thinking that he tries to help the police find the mutilator, and eventually the police decide that he is the Raper, and the Raper comes forward to clear the priests name.  Just one idea of how to get him caught.

That's what i've been playing around with so far.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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