
Author Topic: Ask me anything  (Read 14116 times)

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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #195 on: July 09, 2006, 02:18:14 PM »
Upon further review, I did mention black and blue, I stand corrected 100%, now, since I own the copyright on this, I may post it wherever I want, but before I do, I need to ask you if this is the one that You are referring too. Is this where you got the idea of bruises? I am referring to “I” several times, perhaps it is “I” who once felt mistreated, not you, and it was me, who is black and blue, not you. Perhaps an appropriate name change is B&B. Anyway, I cannot find anything harmful to you whatsoever, so let the forum decide.

Question thread question #1 is this email after the “fuck off and die” remark?
Question thread question #2 is this the bruises that you refer to?


When I first sign up with AS4US, there was a age requirement request via PM to activate the mature forum.
TOS still has it that way.
Are you telling me that the TOS is being compromised and violated yet again?
Yes it is back on my screen, but I swear to God I wish I would have taken a screen shot at lunch time.
I was not hurried, paranoid or anything of the sort.
Actually, I was considering a deserted isle at the time.
Delusional perhaps yes, no more than usual.
Illusion, no, I don’t know or care why or who thinks it’s funny.
I do not believe it is.
Respect and trust are two things I had for you guys.
However, you seem to think these are toys as well.
I do not believe they are.
If there was a problem with me, “they” , should have said something to me.
If you support that type of crap, more power to ya.
That kind of behavior is not something I tolerate anywhere, nor here.
I would never treat anyone the way you guys are treating me.
It is apparent that we belong on different pages, perhaps different section of the library.
I see people get treated like this a lot, and I stick for them, 100%.
This sort of thing happens to me IRL also.
Again, my motive for being here is to be around others like me and to share experiences like this with.
This is not what I had in mind as per sharing the experience.
This is the first time I have been under the delusion that someone actually feels what I see, hears what I feel and can see what I hear.
It does not matter what you claim to be
Till I am harmed, your all the same to me
The last time I was treated this way, I got black and blue
Next time I am treated this way, I will think of all of you.
Nice to be reminded, of what became of thee.

A PM to McJ last night - the "genius" communicator

It’s only begun with my last post to shima a minute ago. If you want to "play" some more, start digging.
You want some solution? Mediator, I have chosen the forum to be the mediator, lets see how it works.

Funny, last time this very same topic came up, I had asked you to be the mediator, now the very same emails about the very same unresolved issue (of why I got banned) will finally come to light. As you know, that is the only reason I came here to begin with. So it is just beginning for me, because I wanted that question answered so bad, I have begged the both of you to tell me, every time I get a different answer of the day, none of which have ever been relevant to any reasonable facsimile of the truth. So here we go, again, or still. Which ever way you choose to perceive it. Truth is, if one of you would tell me the dam truth for real, then we would not be gathered here today, but you have not, neither of you. So it has came down to this, I post an email, she post one, eventually, all 400 will be posted and the forum will have made there decision whether there is a point to any of this she said he said bullshit. I never threatened shima now more than I have threatened the man on the fucking space station. You know it she knows it and I know it. Now the rest of the world will know it, so thanks for bringing it up.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2006, 03:16:34 PM by hiro »

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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #196 on: July 09, 2006, 02:35:43 PM »
It’s only begun with my last post to shima a minute ago. If you want to "play" some more, start digging.
You want some solution? Mediator, I have chosen the forum to be the mediator, lets see how it works.

Funny, last time this very same topic came up, I had asked you to be the mediator, now the very same emails about the very same unresolved issue (of why I got banned) will finally come to light. As you know, that is the only reason I came here to begin with. So it is just beginning for me, because I wanted that question answered so bad, I have begged the both of you to tell me, every time I get a different answer of the day, none of which have ever been relevant to any reasonable facsimile of the truth. So here we go, again, or still. Which ever way you choose to perceive it. Truth is, if one of you would tell me the dam truth for real, then we would not be gathered here today, but you have not, neither of you. So it has came down to this, I post an email, she post one, eventually, all 400 will be posted and the forum will have made there decision whether there is a point to any of this she said he said bullshit. I never threatened shima now more than I have threatened the man on the fucking space station. You know it she knows it and I know it. Now the rest of the world will know it, so thanks for bringing it up.

Shima, Hiro sent you 400 emails?

That is the action of a stalker.


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #197 on: July 09, 2006, 02:58:23 PM »
you do not belong in the middle of this
if you want to continue to make  an ass out of yourself
that is completely up to you, your decision, you consequences

as per the 400
its a 50 / 50 ratio
send / receive
stalker, yes you are becoming one
go answer your accusation questions
and then get back with us on this topic

again, this does not apply to you
if you wish, you may stalk your heart out
i have absolutely 0 things to hide, do you?...try me

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Re: I have seized power from McJagger. Ask me anything!
« Reply #198 on: July 09, 2006, 03:09:41 PM »
Why was it frightening?

It felt like I was dying and my soul was leaving my body.

Are we talking about the same thing? I meant lucid dreaming as in controlling your dreams... this almost sounds like a form of DP...
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #199 on: July 09, 2006, 03:17:42 PM »
Question thread question #1 is this email after the “fuck off and die” remark?
Question thread question #2 is this the bruises that you refer to?

Do these questions "ring a bell"?

Offline Callaway

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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #200 on: July 09, 2006, 04:46:23 PM »
you do not belong in the middle of this
if you want to continue to make  an ass out of yourself
that is completely up to you, your decision, you consequences

as per the 400
its a 50 / 50 ratio
send / receive
stalker, yes you are becoming one
go answer your accusation questions
and then get back with us on this topic

again, this does not apply to you
if you wish, you may stalk your heart out
i have absolutely 0 things to hide, do you?...try me

I am an administrator of INTENSITY² and I will post anywhere I want to, Hiro.  I will not stand by while you continue to stalk members.

Are you aware that Shima asked you to not post these emails?  Are you ignoring her wishes?  Do you fail to understand that no means no?

how about I publish the funny emails that got you scarred, let the membership decide how funny it is?

yes, the above is a question, a noreply = yes

a question of your dignity vs mine

enough games


You mean the email where you told me to fuck off and die?

No, I'd rather they not be published.


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #201 on: July 09, 2006, 05:31:40 PM »
You will do
Since she can obviously not speak for herself, and McJ has ruined any credibility he once lets go

I am an administrator of INTENSITY² and I will post anywhere I want to, Hiro.  I will not stand by while you continue to stalk members.

Yes you are, No I did not vote for you. Do you plan to stalk everyone who did not vote for you? Go stalk your own ask away thread

Are you aware that Shima asked you to not post these emails?

Yes, I can read. Can you? In addition, can you count all the way to one?
The email "published" is not the infamous "fuck off and die" email, and just to prove it to you so that you will believe me.
The other email at the bottom of the page, was not addressed to her and she nor you have any right to censor me.

Are you ignoring her wishes?
Not yet, only ignoring the lies being produced, by producing the evidence to the contrary

Do you fail to understand that no means no?

Yes, I speak good engrish, bout you,?
Did you know that there are 6 letters in the word rather?
Did you know there are 2 letters in the word no?
Looks like she went out of her way not to say no.
Or was she being a smartass? You never know

Are you going to call me out - please?
Or are you not intensity material?


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #202 on: July 09, 2006, 06:41:55 PM »

The other email at the bottom of the page, was not addressed to her and she nor you have any right to censor me.

Are you trying to say that the email you posted above, which I asked you not to post, was not addressed to me?  Or did you just email it to me, while directing it at someone else?  Because it arrived in my inbox.

And why "bruiser" now?  I thought you were and are wrongly accused.


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #203 on: July 09, 2006, 06:53:14 PM »

Are you trying to say that the email you posted above, which I asked you not to post, was not addressed to me? 

No I am not, but now you have the chance to explain the bruises (within context of course).

Or did you just email it to me, while directing it at someone else?  Because it arrived in my inbox.

Yes it was dierected at you, so where the next few, do we need more context for point of view?

And why "bruiser" now?  I thought you were and are wrongly accused.


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #204 on: July 09, 2006, 07:36:25 PM »
deep breath.


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #205 on: July 09, 2006, 08:10:17 PM »
Dude, I know dam good and well that you sincerly tried to help.

But did she send you the same last reply I got?

BTW. here was the begining my next entry in the continuation...

As per McJ, the guy has a very creative heart, excellent communication skills and a passionate social ambition. I tend to have a creative mind, terrible communication, and I am passionate about principles, not people. Other than that, the poor guy is just like me..nuf said. As per the recent events, simply put we have come to an agreement to disagree with an agreement that we agree to disagree with a disagreement. With this basic understanding, a meaningful and enlightening relationship based upon a foundation of creative spirit that is formed when a strong meets a strong heart. I hope that we will be able to subdue the weak mind and weak heart thru a common understanding that the two can never accomplish what their counterparts are capable of. There has been excessive recent evidence of this. I am willing to concede to a draw, with the agreement, that there has been enough said. The threatening of women or men is not something I take part in unless provoked into a corner with the intimidation that we have seen recently. The only victims that remain are the ones who have been unaware of all the above aforementioned details. If all goes well, we’ll be well. If all is hell, oh well.

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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #206 on: July 10, 2006, 08:05:54 PM »
You think I am going to put up them pics?

What should go on a pizza?

What is your birth month?>

What is your job?

Have you been to college?

President Shima what is your first act? (as president)

What is your favorite spice besides salt and sugar?

What is your favorite fruit?

God damn I am a post whore!!
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #207 on: July 10, 2006, 09:01:57 PM »
You think I am going to put up them pics?

Of course!  Every day I await with bated breath.

What should go on a pizza?

I prefer focaccia, an ancestor and relative of pizza, that typically just has vegetables on it and lots of olive oil.

What is your birth month?>


What is your job?

Posting on message boards...

Have you been to college?


President Shima what is your first act? (as president)

Kick all women out of the workforce and go back to the 1950s.

What is your favorite spice besides salt and sugar?


What is your favorite fruit?


God damn I am a post whore!!

Still not the sluttiest one here.  ;)

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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #208 on: July 10, 2006, 09:13:34 PM »
You bitch!  That is my favorite color!  You posted my questions in my favorite color! I love flourescent green!

Cinnamon is very rich in antioxidants, lowers blood sugar, is antibacterial etc.

You think I am going to put up them pics?

Of course!  Every day I await with bated breath.

FUCK I need a wank. I am doing everything in my power to get them up.  I have not tried stealing though! The quickest is my brother brings his e drive over to install my camera.  My d drive is fried, but at least he upgraded my computer to window 98se.

What kind of music do you listen you?

Several colleges, what does that mean?

What is your ideal meal?

What should go in a grinder?

Are you allergic to anything?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 09:18:49 PM by fluorescent »
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!


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Re: Ask me anything
« Reply #209 on: July 10, 2006, 09:31:42 PM »
Well I'm happy to be your bitch, flourescent.  Anytime!