Aaaaaah Andriea, the meeting of doooooooom. Well it turned out to be completely pointless, I didn't find out anything I didn't already know. I shall fill you in with the details later tonight when I see you usual

. The boss already knows how
excited I am anyway, since I walked past him with my trousers unzipped and my little chap sort of jabbed him on the back of the leg...he looked, I blushed, he frowned, I winked cheekily then giggled...I'm lying by the way.
No hat tonight, I'm afraid, as I currently have a midget man growing out my nose. I wouldn't mind so much if he knew some good fucking songs but for now he keeps whistling that Scat Man tune?! "deeby-deeby-deeby-deeby babboo bow, daboo dabbo dow...I'm the scat man!".
I shall teach him some Van Halen I think...he can use my nostril hair to play the solos.
I gave you one from the top, by the way.
I mean a karma point thing for your top post!