Dance Kenny dance!!
Do what the puppet master tells you to, or your in for another caning.

Mcjagger, being a seemingly smart man you can probably use your initiative and tell for yourself that Kenny and I certainly are not clones of Omega and RobertN, for a start we are prettier

and BOTH individuals who have our own minds, and arent afraid to use them/speak them even if we sometimes do have opposing views and clash with each other, we also certainly dont go on crusades or bitch/backstab behind backs or result to trying to use underhand bullshit. Our very long close and open friendship also wasnt initiated or kept alive via manipulation, using one party or false pretense either. We are two open genuine individuals who have a genuine friendship, there are no secrets and there is certainly no cotton wool wrapped around anyones eyes in ours either. So you can put that in your pipe and smoke it before relaying it back to anyone you may choose to.

However going back to the puppet master thing, my bedroom could resemble that theme, with all my 30odd gothic dolls especially when the lights in the room are dimmed, my bro shits his pants coming in as they stand and sit along my desk, he says it looks like a little evil army of satan worshipping dolls watching him waiting to pounce. I think hes just smoked way too much pot.