Kenny i know this is a sensitive topic for both of us....but....would you like to share how you genuinely feel about the making so many items that previously werent, now fat free, low fat, low sugar, low calories, and making chocolate bars and the like smaller in order to try cut obesity rates and prevent people getting fatter etc etc, ie our food intake being controlled due to certain groups of individuals.
I have the sudden urge to type this reply in CAPITALS!!!!!!
Oh god Andriea, you've just wound me up...and then some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have nothing against healthier substitutes being made available for those that are determined to have the "perfect" body or whatever superficial shite is running through their shallow little brains but I am totally against being given no choice whatsoever when it comes to my eating habits. If I want to pour bowls of FULL FAT custard (both instant AND ready made for they are both as tasty as each other) into my gob washed down by FULL FAT Pepsi or Dr. Pepper then I should be left to get on with it. I don't want to drink the crap filled with saccharin because it tastes like shit!
Unfortunately we live with fuckwits that don't actually know an apple from their elbow and happily ignore they're crap diet and still expect 5 star treatment at the local hospital for when they're in too shit a state to actually do anything about their lardy fat arses...or they moan continuously about being overweight and unhappy yet do fuck all about it.
It's because of those people that the rest of us have to live with these silly ideas. Learn some will power you weak tossers!
PS - I decided that, after living for quite a few years at a whopping 16 stone, that I'd had enough. I bought an exercise bike and gradually phased out most of the crap from my diet. It wasn't easy, no, but I am now down to 13 1/2 stone with a little yet to lose.
So I know what I'm talking about.