Hmmmmm ok, my lazy eye must be lazier than I realised lol....
Why do you ask about HG and I?

HG has a bullshit detector that I love. If she says you're a cunt then you probably need to look at your own personality rather than calling her a bitch or whatever. It really IS that simple. YOU NO TALK SHIT SHE NO CALL YOU A CUNT.
Oi McJagger, I respect the creative types, so Dunc may bukkake me if he wants...does that make you jealous at all?
Hmmmmmmmm, I'll try answer why I left in the first place.
HG said she was leaving because of a situation that came up on here. was also thinking along the same lineas anyway because particular things were said that had me laughing. Some people seemed to take this whole internet forum thing way too serious. The MAIN EVENT section is where I will most probably get my laughs. I have a love/hate relationship with the people that take these places too serious. One day they are my source of entertainment, the next day they are the source of my ultimate frustration. So I got dizzy and deleted my account.
I came back because HG (or Andriea as she allows me to call her) kept on about this and that and Dunc got in touch with me through another site..........I decided I wanted to vent some childish humour on another 'here I am' (Skid Row song the Skid Row album I do believe!)