mcj fancies you, jizz. however, don't get inflate sense of anything, cos he'd shag anything, as long as it had a pulse. or had one in the recent past. possibly.
While on the subject of homosexual relations.
I had a guy ask me out at school one time. Well, he didn't but he had two of his female mates do it for him.
I was sitting at the drum kit, being right manly as you can imagine, and I see these two lassies coming in one of the doors at the far of the assembly hall (the drum kit was up on the stage y'see). I don't remember exactly how they worded it, but apparently he'd caught me eyeing him up. Which actually shocked me as I have never had any problem with my hetero-ness. My stomach turned to be honest. Thought I was having the piss ripped right out of me and sort of laughed it off.
He then approached me one day and put his hand on my shoulder like he was going to try talking to me, I shrugged his hand away and told him "keep yer fucking hands off me". It was then that I realised it wasn't a wind up and that he really DID want some of my ass. I spent the next 6 months ripping the shit out of you do when you're a teenager. Eventually I got reported to the headmaster, he gave me the "you're a popular guy" routine told me not to carry on annoying the guy, even though I asked him how he'd feel knowing another male was checking out his arse every time he passed. At that time I used to wear skin tight black jeans and I always looked hot and ready for some of the sweaty action...honest :rollseyes:
I have proof of this happening to me too as another best mate in my school days contacted me on MySpace a few months back and brought that whole episode back up, which made me chuckle

No, McJagger, I don't drive a car.
I don't think I trust other people on the road enough with my life. I see too many fucking idiots taking silly chances when pulling out onto busy roads and I don't fancy being the poor sod that has to be thrown through his front window because of some twat with bad timing......almost like an old drummer mate of mine!