people with dogs weird me out.
The way that dogs are, it's as
though the person wants a slave,
or something.
The dogs love it though. 
Depends on the dog. There are alpha types, too, ya know. I have had two that constantly challenged me for dominance.
I love dogs, but I agree with Callaway. I have had literally dozens of mutts and can only think of a couple of duds. I have known many people with purebred dogs that were absolutely worthless. Three of them were dalmatians. I have known one really cool dalmatian. I mostly blame the owners, though. I mean, where dogs are concerned, someone HAS to be the fucking alpha!
I once went through over forty dogs in three years, all but one was a mutt. I lived with two friends on a rented ranch, kept horses, hunted constantly (when I was in town), and lost dogs constantly. Some went for food to the packs of feral dogs and coyotes, two were gored by deer, a fire got one, neighbors shot several and some ran off to stay with the packs and became wild. I would return home from a road trip and I would learn that I lost a dog or four or five dogs, sometimes. I lost even more cats in those years.
I have only had four dogs that were purebred. A greyhound, saved as a pup from a racing dog farm that was busted and shut down. She was a good dog, but she developed some kind of inoperable kidney difficulty. I had to put her down at three years old. She was beautiful, happy, loving, but usually sick.
I had a black Labrador Retriever bitch that I found, lost on the beach and I kept her. (she had registered tags, a Mexican owner and a veterinary presence - I tried to locate the owners, to no avail) She was one of the most amazing dogs I have known as far as athleticism, but I could never convince her that the dozen or so cats I kept were MINE and she was not to eat them. She weighed ninety eight pounds, solid muscle and bone, and could keep up with my motorcycle on her morning runs at twenty three miles per hour for four miles. If I shot a bird that landed on the other side of the river, she would hit the water HEADFIRST and practically flew out on the other bank. I was beyond impressed. The coyotes got her one night, though. She became food.
I had an Irish Setter, again salvaged from a farm, only he was turned nutty by his original keepers' attempts to train him as a gun dog. Not all dogs are gun dogs and, once this beautiful little guy failed, they castrated him with no medication. He was set to be target practice in a few days, but I wanted to try to take him home. He was the most beautiful dog I have ever had - long red, shiny coat, smallish (thirty pounds), redder moustache, intelligent, loving, but extremely neurotic and unpredictable. He was only the second dog I have ever had that attacked humans on his own. I tried to keep him and rehab him, but he bit a small boy and was taken away from me by a judge for rabies tests. That means he lost his head, because they had to draw brain tissue to positively test for rabies, back then.
Kind of solves the fucking problem, like torturing a woman to death, in the name of Christ, to find out if she's a witch.
My last dog was an over-sized, too-husky miniature (and so, given to me) Fox Terrier and he too was my hero. He was one of the more attentive dogs I have known and very intelligent. A little guy, nineteen pounds, but he was a huge dog in his mind! He knew NO fear and just his attitude carried him very far with the other dogs. People loved him, too and he loved everybody. I can't tell you how many women's shirts I have looked into while they loved on him. He would never look out for cars, though. I lost him to the search for bitches, just this year.