er, where does it say it's a synonym? etymology isn't the same, you know. oh, silly, me - of course you don't know.
Hate to say it, but Scrapheap's right.
'fraid not, pea.
Tell that to
oh gods - don't use that dictionary. it's shite. and is american.
That's a blanket statement, not concrete proof.
That's unlike you, Vivi. You usually come up with a thesis before you argue about something. Statements such as "It's shite" and "It's American" are beneath your standards.
And most people would disagree with your lexicographic point-of-view due to its impracticality, and being practical is not a bad thing.
not much point in my arguing it then, is there? but i do wonder if most people even think about etymology, let alone study it. (not that i'm obsessed, or anything.

the meaning of the word "loathe" has changed,
loathe (verb. trans.)
Formerly, gorw weary of; feel aversion or dislike for.
Now, have an intense aversion for; regard with utter abhorrence and disgust; detest."
(my itals.).
hate Have feelings of hostility or strong antipathy towards."
both from William R. Trumble, Angus Stevenson (Eds.): Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Fifth edition), Volume One A-M, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002).
so (and this answers dawg's question, too), it's a matter of degree - even of intensity, if you like.
the question of attractive/repulsive forces (which is where i came in) is more of a psychological one, and i'll be fucked if i can remember the reference for it. so you'll just have to wait until i have the time (and inclination) to do so. soz.