I am really pleased today. Tried to have an evaluation on the urchin july last year. To see how far behind he was. Had to abandon as he couldn't complete enough of the tasks. He either did not know what was expected of him or he just couldn't do it.
Evaluation was done today. I was expecting him to be so far behind - like maybe a 1.5 year old. Three area's he performed as a 3.5 year old. Two as a 2.5 year old and just one as a two year old. Urchin is 3 years 11 months.
I now you might be thinking well it's not that good he is still behind. He is yes but i have to look at eight months ago he was incapable of completing the evaluation. I think he has really caught up loads, he will probably always be some way behind his peers, but he is a happy boy.
gonna quote from report now
Based on my observations and work with him, he presented as a pleasant boy who is keen to please and will respond to rewards offered to him. I understand from his key worker he is now joining in with the other children for most activities. He has started developing 'peer' friendships. He has quickly developed a functional use of language, demonstrating 'turn taking' in conversation. He was also observed initiating conversation and changing the topic of a conversation. He tends to spend less time on an activity if he has not chosen it. On his 'activity of choice' he was able to paint for 30 minutes, without a break, stopping only to show his key worker what he had produced - a colourful painting.
That was from his assessment by the Educational Psychologist. I never got to see the colourful painting though