The gel insert in my right shoe is already making my hurting foot feel better. 
Proper fit is critical to comfort.
I'm not sure what's causing the burning pain in this foot, but at least I'll be more comfortable till it heals. 
Try a spray powder with Tolnaftate in it.
It's not a burning in my skin, though. It feels as if it's in the muscles or something. 
How is the status of your shoes? Are the soles worn a bit? And if so, have they worn out more underneath were you feel the pain?
Could be "just" that, worn soles.
The soles have indeed worn down a bit, though no more so than usual for a pair of my shoes. I suspect my weight has begun to
take a toll on my feet. Also, I walk a bit strangely, kind of on the *outside* of the right foot, and maybe I've weakened a muscle
by doing so. New shoes (and a diet!) are definitely in order, and I will keep using the gel inserts.
Don't know how to bring it to you..........

It may be age too.
I never had a big problem with shoes wearing out a bit, but now I feel it a lot sooner. It really can hurt a lot. And, my soles wear out just under the arch on my forefoot. I used to wear them down on the side. But, since a few years, that changed. Weight surely will not help. Yup, could do without a bit of my weight too, but, I fear it is not just that.
* Inserts imaginary grey smiley *