Black cat found his own way home today 
The time before, I had to find him, and lure him away from the problem he had gotten himself into. Frozen with fear, because of another cat. Time before that, he didn't get further than 10 metres from the house.
He's an Alpha male in the night, and completely the opposite during the day. Won't let him out at night yet though.
I think it is best if cats are kept in at night because they tend to get into fights otherwise. That means more vet bills because of their injuries. Let out during the day is fine but not at night. Just my opinion though.
I do agree with you, but seeing the behaviour of my black cat, I think he will hide himself on summer-evenings, and will have a ball at night.
He meows and scratches doors in the night, during the day he doesn't seem to care about going out.
If he doesn't turn up, when it gets dark, there is no way I will find him, he is a master in hiding, and his black colour is helping him with that too.
For now, he only goes on short trips in the morning.