My daughter "passed" the Social Health Program For Females at school.
Yes, this is the school sponsored program that "explains all about the nature of reproduction" between humans and warns budding young females of their impending social trials, most specifically, whether or not they should choose pads or tampons, etc...
She had a lot of questions - not ones that she did not know the answers to, but many questions that we had covered with her that she wanted to MAKE SURE that every one else knew the answers to, as well.

Yeah, from the email I got from her teacher today, my darling daughter disrupted the "presentation" on many occasions to point out circumstances that the program was neglecting to "present" as part of this school sponsored program.
Uhm, we have given her our best, but we did not expect that she would herald this knowledge to the entire school. (Part of the reasoning behind my nine year old daughter having such an extensive education in this area, already, stems from the fact that my wife began to menstruate before she had had such an education. My wife's dear Mum did not think that she was old enough for this conversation yet, when my wife first came home from third grade with bloody pants. We wanted to avoid this scenario, but never knew that our darling daughter would become the "bloody" guru of feminine concerns at nine years of age, FFS! )
Anyway, another life trail upon the scoreboard for us.