another cool thing that happened is a book i ordered got here. it's a hardback copy of tolstoy's War and Peace, printed in '42 so not long after barbarossa.
when i was looking at it i found a bookmark in one of the pages, with lists of all the main characters on it, pretty cool.
also i ate all my dinner, which was roast potatos chicken and gravy
then me and lily took a ball to the park to play for a bit, and she played with some new dogs we haven't met before, and one we met the other day
there were a load of scumbag teenagers on the playground bit we walk past to get to the fields, and it was getting late, but i don't think they said anythign, so we got past ok

not much has happened today really as i didn't get up till 3pm. oh i went to pick up my brothers from school and saw my dad with his daughter at the gate. he was talking to some othe parent though and didn't see me. probably woukdn't recognise me anyway

saw one of my old teachers while i was there too. she wouldn't recognise me either i bet

flo is such a cute fat thing, she just did that thing where they cover their face with their arms... so cute

i can't wait to go to bed after my shower. knackered.
my tortoise peed on me and pooed on me before so i had to change my shirt