I discovered that I will be paid two and one half times my normal wage for working on the Independence Day Holiday (09/07/04). (I get time and one half for being there on a holiday, plus an eight hour day of "holiday pay")

Wow, that's really cool.
Ya know, I keep looking at this job thing and there are more benefits to staying around full time than I had even thought.
I can't remember if I mentioned that employees also get a discount on buying stock in their company. I put six thousand dollars from my yearly dividend (paid out from other investments) into BB stock this year.
They take the lowest price within the following sixth month period as the base price of your stock, then give you a fifteen percent discount from the lowest market value during that period. If you do nothing more than sell it after six months, you are guaranteed at least a fifteen percent gain if the stock price just sits there, unchanged. Interestingly, the price of BB stock has really climbed since February and I don't mean fifteen percent, either. The stock was at a fairly low point when I bought in, due mainly to the company offering early retirement buy-outs to many of the corporate employees and the news surrounding this was harsh in the wake of CC closing.
It is tough work, but there are many "good things" about working here, too.