I got the electrodes taken off of my head this morning. Boy were those irritating to have on for 24 hours.
peter? is that you?
but trig, why did you have electrodes on?
I have been having twitches/jerks for quite awhile and they have gotten more frequent and more violent. They are trying to rule out some form of Epilepsy and see if they can tie in to some pattern in my brain waves when they occur. I took pictures and will probably change my avatar this weekend. I was a Cyborg and my kids kept re-programming me to their bidding, like Lobot was there for Lando.
Cool. Not the epilepsy part though.
Something good happened this week, I got an HD for my exam. I also managed to hand my essay in on time even though I was offered an extension.
I finish my course this coming week, don't know what I will do after, this has given me something to do for a long while.