I got a clean bill of health from the doctor today. Started the blood work-up on Monday, so he had all that ready to go. Surprised him with my weight loss! I responded very well to the stress-test part.
He asked about my diet (concerned that I might be doing something crazy) and I smart-assed back that he "has my blood," so
he should tell
me about my diet. He pulled up my record, clicked some stuff and showed me on the screen where my cholesterol has risen over the last few years, but it has dropped into the "good" area this time. So, his main concern from before is gone, for now.
He is planning to reduce the potency of my beta-blocker meds, but that will require several more visits to make sure it's stable.
I wanted to know if it's working fine why fuck with it, but he reminded me that there is always the danger of affecting liver functionality when taking these things. Better to reduce dosages if possible.