that's a really lovely thing to say - thank you.

actually, it was really funny. i was in the loo, talking to one of the admin staff, and another admin came in and said there was a bloke waiting to book something. i said, "is he nice-looking?" to which she replied, "yes," so i said i'd sort him out (much laughter).
i went back to the office, and there was one of my old students (he's a second year now), and i told him what we'd said, and we laughed, and he gave me a hug. i said, "she was right - there
is a nice-looking bloke in here." more laughter. then the two admins came in, so i told him to hug me again quick so they'd think i'd scored (my students are used to me), and he did, and gave me a kiss on my hair (he's tall).
it was just so sweet. then we talked about how women who wear Bench clothing are mainly slightly upmarket chavs.

made me feel nice, anyway.