my mum phoned me tonight (shock!). she sounded bloody great, far happier and brighter than she has done for years. i thought it was because she'd received a poem i sent her earlier in the week, but no.
apparently she feels great because she fell over in the middle of the road, with traffic whizzing all around her. now, i know she has alzheimer's, but even i was a bit agog (and v concerned) about this latest apparent lunacy.
turns out that she was so furious at a stupid man who was shitty with her when she had to pay extra postage on my letter (idiot me - it was a big letter, so cost more

) that she didn't care about falling over. she was getting a bit iffy because her injuries were starting to hurt (grazes and bruises only, thank the gods). she was so excited about not being freaked by falling over - she's still
compos mentis enough to realise she's losing it. usually, she gets terribly upset and frustrated when she has her funny turns, whether physical or mental. it's so sad.
bless her. she's deteriorating rapidly, but it was just so great to hear her so lively and "with it" (she didn't forget a word once) for a change.