What's green and fuzzy and can kill you if it falls out of a tree?A pool table.
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that was fast. i used to work two hours a day 4 days a week at this computer business as a janitor
do you like working? i'd get on SSD/I if you could.
oh cool. i want to go back to work, but then i think about all the BS you have to deal with and i remain disabled
Oh i also a pedestrian. i'll cause a fucking accident im so uncoordinated with my hands. plus i'll get my feet confused and hit the gas instead of the break
If there was no people on the roads i could probably drive, im just so damn panicky, and freeze or act irrational with my car causing fucking devestation everywhere,
no kidding. driving is a complicated matter, i'll think i;ve constintley ran a baby or person over and will have to get out of my car to check to make shure i didnt
indeed. my main ones are that and leaving my stove/water/lights on or leaving my door unlocked
im not worried about germs, more like gas leaking in my house or leaving my door unlocked so a thief can go right after the goodstuff