I get to be Queen for a day, that is fill in as Foreman on Thursday since my boss is taking the day off. That, in and of itself, is not so special (although 12.5% extra for 11 hours equivalent straight time pay is good) but the reaction of my toolie is priceless. We have been working together for about 3 months and he has been carrying a radio, making a point of giving the Foreman the amount of conduit done etc everyday. So today when my Foreman mentioned being gone on Thursday I threw out "Fine, I'll take over" as a throw away comment and Andy said I got the job when he is gone. On the way out of the plant my toolie made it clear that he is being transferred off the crew and it became clear that not getting Queen for a day is the reason. :lol: What was left unsaid but appears obvious to me is that he was actively lobbying for the job and does not like that I was able to get it with no real effort.
My toolie is smart and a hard worker but he is not as smart as he thinks he is. He doesn't seem to have any idea how petty this is making him look. Fuck it. If he wants to shoot himself in the ass I won't even try to stop him.
How did being Queen for a day go? Did he transfer?

No, he apparently thought he had a friend with influence. What he did on Friday was interrupt me three times in front of the Foreman until I said something like "That is a product line? Do you get that? That is a beam, do you understand that?", at which point he asked for another toolie because he didn't like me getting mad. I fired back that if I didn't have an asshole interrupting me 3 successive times I wouldn't have gotten pissed and then I explained something about the job as if I was talking to a third grader. We got put with different toolies and he is still wearing the radio and humping the Foreman's leg.