So do I but in sales it can be a fine line many push to fit themselves I don't.
Yeah I agree entirely. The way I approach sales is not to give a prospective customer something that they are likely to come back and complain about later because you KNOW that customer will say they spoke to you and you said....
I had a customer who wanted to leave his other service providers. The phone and internet package and ISP was much more expensive than what he had. Already $80/mth than what he was currently with. He wanted me to "make a deal" and reduce our costs. I examined everything. At one point he said "OK the phone broadband package is there some thing cheaper than the one you have proposed?" I said "Yeah there is. I could reduce your speed by 4 times and therefore save you $10/mth, but I think I would be doing you a disservice and won't suggest it as a solution unless you are really sure you want really bad speed".
He was surprised but said he appreciated the honesty. I discovered that his current ISP was giving him about 10 times the download limit to what he had been using and charging him a great price for the higher limit, but was a lot higher than the ISP we could provide to fit his download usage. I saved him on the entire package $30. I told him this was absolutely the best we could do for him. He thought for a bit and said, "Yeah fair enough. I appreciate your help. Let's do it"
I got his phone and broadband access, his ISP, and he bought over three mobiles to us. Big win and he came out of it really knowing what he was getting and what we could and could not do and as our calls are time recorded if he was the type of person to claim false or misleading advice, I am covered and so is the business. Was a sweet sale worth about $130 to me.