Today rocked.
* Went for a hike with my oldest
* Rescued 3 snails, 3 slugs and 2 catepillars from certain death as they attempted to cross a busy section of pavement.
* Finished 2 errands that I had been
avoiding forgetting to do and I'm so relieved it's done
* Mum went to the nephralogist and she's getting a shunt inserted in her stomach and in her arm but no talk of the transplant yet so I've got loads of time to get things on my end in order.
* Got a happy text on my cell
* Had 2 girlfriends unload uber personal info that I'm sworn to take the grave which on one hand is a compliment because they know I'm like a vault, but on the other hand I worry about the choices they're making so I have to figure out how to counsel them on that.
* Worked my butt off cleaning my house and although I still have a lot of stuff to organize, every thing is scrubbed to a shine and it's nice and clean.
* Finished all the laundry in the house
* Now I can happily relax