Met with my handtherapist.
Was brilliant. Getting my tactile sensitivity back in all my fingers. Feels so good to be able to really feel again.
Felt almost like a orgasm in my hand, with a very long afterglow.
What happened to your hand? Did you have an injury?
Enduring stresslevels for too long. Too much tension on sinews and muscles. So, my hand stopped functioning partially, and a finger dislocated a lot. Bit tricky when that happened lifting pots from the stove. Losing power all of a sudden was tricky too while cooking. I could not write more than half of my name. Then I had to change the way I held my pen.
Worst for me was losing tactile qualities. I am hypersensitive and love it. Hate it when that is gone. It meddles with my capability to think.
Things are improving rapidly now. Been a problem since april. Now it will probably be over soon.
I sleep with a splint. And excersise regularly.
She's going to put me on powertraining for my fingers after this week I hope. Harrassing clay or so.