Got an excuse phonecall yesterday.
I had been calling social services last thursday about a form I had not received, and asked if it had been sent to me.
They said it had been sent, and that I should return it before monday.
I told them I was aware of that, but that I had not received it yet, and also told them I thought that that could very well be, because my status had changed.
Got told that was not the case, it had been send. And after a while of negotiating they were willing to send it to me again.
No mail. Not on friday, and not on saturday.
Called them on monday about that. First they were not answering the phone. They did in the afternoon, and the woman I spoke said she could clearly remember sending me the form on thursday. Took me a while of negotiating before she agreed to give it another try to send it to me. And of course, there would be possible consequenses because I had not returned it in time.
And late in the afternoon she called to apologise. Indeed, the form had not been send. And it would take a while before they could send it, because mutations in my status had not been processed yet.
Curious thing, Now all of a sudden she did remember how she had not been able to print it last thursday....
Strange, she had clearly remembered sending it just a few hours before.
Tricks of the mind.
Now I wonder if I will get a reminder to send the form in in a few days.
I think I will.

I am glad she had the guts and decency to apologise.