Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

Zomg Aspie emo fucking cuntrags

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not doing a great job on the not being offensive front there Randy.  :-\


--- Quote from: The Main Moon on December 04, 2007, 03:30:13 PM ---not doing a great job on the not being offensive front there Randy.  :-\

--- End quote ---


I am surprised you didn't see the partal word, I ran out of time.  There are all different levels of fuctional capacity within the diagnosis of aspergers, its a fact.  Everyone has there strenghts.

I just made two jokes by accident, and erased them.  They were funny to me because I did it by accident, being so good, not because they hurt someone.

Randy, stop taking half naked pictures of yourself! I thought you gave that porn star fantasy up! Am I gonna have to come take your web cam away?

Really. Full or nada, I always say. :eyebrows:


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