You've renamed yourself Sladeheap. Slade are seen as a kinda novelty band over here, famous mostly for their Christmas hit "Merry Xmas Everybody." Is that song played constantly at Christmas in America like it is over here? Are they famous for anything else in America? Do they have a following in America?
I'm asking this because I'm interested in this kind of thing. Yes, I'm bloody wierd 
Slade is very little known in the US. The only song that got halfway famous was Run Runaway because there was an MTV video of it that got played.
However, their hits Cum on feel the noize and Mama weer all crazee now, were made famous by Quiet Riot in the early 80's.
Gene Simons has mentioned that Slade was very influential on the formation of KISS.
Those of us who were dedicated fans of hard rock knew who Slade was, most Americans didn't.