You look really brave and manly. Now answer the fucking questions 
Go piss up a rope. 
You're just throwing insults around because you're not

enough to answer the questions, and you're not

enough to admit that you're not

enough to answer the questions

In case you forgot what the questions are:
How big is your penis?
How many sexual partners have you had?
Has a woman ever laughed at your penis?
Do you have a girlfriend, or any means of regular intercourse?
What age did you start masturbating at?
Have you ever paid for sex? If not, would you?
Do you ever feel inadequate around women?
Truthfully, out of 10, how good in bed would you say you are?
Have you ever had homosexual urges?
How would you react if a partner told you that you were no good in bed?
And finally, do you ever poke shit out of your ass with your finger?