I enjoyed myself.
Hey, now that peegai seems to be full of confidence, maybe he can trying leaving the house and kissing a girl for the first time. If I helped bring such a thing to pass, how could I not feel satisfied?
Maybe so!
Honestly, this is as weak as your cop out from earlier. And I do think you're somewhat idiotic for an intellectual snob -- which you are -- for implying that people who respect me here (not necessarily friends, as you so claim) are morons and are therefore beneath you. Have you ever done research on the said idiots? No, for it is but a
baseless assumption.
Continue to act like you know everything, so I can provide temporary fame which you are currently lacking in your life (no-one takes you seriously, boo-hoo). Emperors like me need to be benevolent to their subjects; otherwise, their empires may collapse from lack of prudence. And by empires, I meant of the trolling variety.
Believe me: You'll thank me one day. But before that, lay off the dutch courage (read: happy pills), sweetcheeks.

Danlo, Triste, Maldoror, Calandale, Flo, Eamonn, and everyone else who challenged me for a year-and-a-half, I thank thee for thine toolery.
This one, only responded, because
you seemed in need of a flame war.
Sorry you proved so poor at it, it could
have been fun.
Yes, it could, if I were to make an effort.
Though rapists aren't worth a penny in this society.