Doesn't make you 'not normal'. Just means you are more career-driven than "I need to pop out crumb-snatchers" motivated. Nothing wrong with that. You have your own priorities, no need to feel insecure because they aren't the same as the women around you.
I love how you put that.

I'm not insecure about
that- that's something I like about myself- but the guy in question is a couple of months younger than me and has already been gainfully employed in a pretty awesome job for a year and a half and has a great social network of fellow young successful nerds who actually go out and do cool stuff despite not having grown up in the area. Me? I'm working for free right now at a job that's technically part time but still manages, at times, to
totally eat my life, in debt up to my eyeballs, still relying on my dad (and a hell of a lot of loan money) for financial support, have lost a fair amount of my undergraduate friends to various circumstances (like them moving on to bigger and better things, just plain losing touch, in-group sexual liasons, or other such silly endeavors), have kept a couple of core college friends who are fantastic people but whose social group (which is at this point mine by-proxy) doesn't tend to do much other than smoke pot breed and buy things they can't afford, nobody else in my graduate classes ever seems to want to hang out with me (I think it's about 50/50 they're busy as fuck and for whatever reason just plain don't
like me), and a fair portion of my socialization still comes from facebook or Intensity. Basically I feel like a fucking retard by comparison. That most of the rest of the difference can be accounted for by the type of field I'm going into, where I am right now in my career, and where my peers are right now in their careers and lives for some reason doesn't help me feel much better.
I don't think that would make you a normal woman, I think that would make you a golddigging whore. 
You've got a lot of things up in there air while you go through a big life shift. Totally normal to feel insecure. Also normal to over analyze. And if you're anything like me, that's not always a good thing. Try and go with the flow a bit more. One step at a time. Blah blah blah. Easier said than done, eh?
No, it's not. I don't think much of anything in my psychotic paragraph above has occured to this kid- if I had to guess I'd say his brain prolly stopped at "She's a geek like me and she looks cute in a miniskirt. Want."