[emo] i really wish i didn't have to worry about my ocd when i'm thinking about doing things... like my autism group are going away for a few days at the weekend to a place where they can do really cool stuff like paintballing and archery, and i would fucking love something like that, but can never go away for more than a few hours.i could go to moscow this year as well if i wanted [/emo]
Is it the bathroom stuff? If it is, if you rented a motel room and ran back to it every few hours, could that be a compromise (as far as staying someplace over a weekend goes)?
Yeah, I can relate to that. I was drawing in what I call "project cases". Guys with so many issues that they were completely unwilling to deal with (everything is always someone else's fault
)that it was exhausting. Once I cut out the toxic people in my life, it's like the good guys got the hint and started showing up.
But I promised myself I would give myself until June before I got serious with anyone. (that will be a year since the separation became formal and 3.5 years since it started falling apart) to be sure that when I landed a good one, that I was whole. *insert lots of psychobabble here* I'm sure you get what I'm saying.
I'm just one of those people who gives 100% of herself so I want to make sure that the next guy I gave that trust to, is the right one, and he'll embrace it and not abuse it.
Haha, yes, I'm a bit of a magnet for "project cases" too.
I don't know how to be halfway serious about someone- legit don't know, even theoreticall,y how it would work. Closest I can think now is not hopping into bed and not making it "official" right away, except I'd rather give and get monogamy right away (versus giving and getting drama, lol), and I think that might be how most people define "serious."
I've tried being in a sorta-kinda relationship with someone- as in monogamous, acting like a couple, but making a point not to get close. Yeah, that was... not a successful endeavor.

Tell me about it. 
I want to shut out the world and spend the entire day in bed, with my music on, sleeping.
I'd like to shut the world out and spend the entire day in bed with
nothing on,
fucking- and
that's why I put up with the dating bullshit.