Since I'm doubting some aspects of my work, I thought I'd still show this, because even though it's flawed, you'll probably understand what I'm trying to do. Excuse if my terminology is wrong in some areas, but I'm still trying to figure certain things out.
Fig 1. This represents a quanta of electromagnetic radiation according to my theory (in this case, a virtual photon), it treats a photon as the only point-like particle almost, but close up, it has a core point and contains the source's flow pattern (spin information). The wave packet is basically source charge information attached to it.
Fig 2. This is an attempt to show what happens when virtual photons are generated on various particle types, as well as demonstrate basic concepts. Basically the process isn't perfect because as the wave packet expands and forms the photon, a gap in vacuum energy is left behind which must be balanced out, and it does. The result of this causes a specific distortion of space-time on the other end (or wherever applicable) to "emit" in which it contains information of the missing charge and spin. This means if a photon matching those characteristics enters within that distortion, the photon will have it's course bent as space-time normalizes as a result. Of course this creates headaches worth of problems too, because quarks and baryon forms would behave strangely and haven't figured out the exact nature of the distortion either. Although interestingly, if two distortions merge together, they can form a gap-like distortion that causes anything to be pulled towards their point of origin. Then gravity could then be caused by accumulating distortions in space time from ambient electromagnetic emissions via virtual photons being produced. But yes, problems there too, conservation of energy issues may be one. Neutron gravitational influence could still be explained by the fact the quarks would still emit virtual photons within themselves.
Fig 3. This requires 3 dimensions, and to treats the 2D strings forms like a yarn ball composed of countless of instances of the same shape. The idea is that, when spin is generated (showing as light blue), a tiny compressive effect (red) is exerted, this is more hypothetical than real process though. This results in all of the instances of this 2D string that are perpendicular to the spin to form stress points, (making these points more readily available to produce virtual photons, and thus a beam of virtual photon emissions; then they are influenced by the space-time distortion to curve around their own source and then be reabsorbed by the particle (blue). Basically all magnetism is an additive effect of this in my theory.
Now you see why I said there's a lot of problems with my work and requires bizarre revelations. But I guess that happens only when you decided to talk about it and get nervous about how ridiculous you might sound. Also, sorry if I make some physicists cringe with this.

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