Interesting... This equation seems to get very close to what I want, but eh... still not perfect:
sqrt( ( sqrt( Ratio x 2/3 ) x 1/3 ) )
Muon/Electron Ratio equation result = 1.9782789863262013747747533700291
Tau/Electron Ratio equation result = 4.0062008439458039805288579189533
If I can find out what causes this discrepancy, or a better way to formulate it, then... wow, I actually did it, I found a distinct pattern of 2^N in Lepton Masses. Also N would represent generation minus one. EDIT: Correction, it would only work for 2nd and 3rd generations for now.
Sorry if I'm boring anyone to death with this, but eh, I figure I post my progress, just in case something ever happens to me or my data. Maybe someone else will find this intriguing.