I want to go out and watch people and listen to music, but girls can't go out on their own. 
I so need to be around a crowd and just watch and listen to the music. Why does society make stupid rules about girls and why they are out by themselves? Ugggh!
Fuck society's rules, I've been going out alone my whole life. Do you think you're going to get made fun of or something?
I wasn't really saying I wouldn't do it, just complaining about the fact that we all know that 'silent rule' exists.
Last time I was single, it didn't really bother me that much. Which was probably around when I was 30ish. But now I'm older, there's some aspect of desperate that comes with it, although, the place that I wanted to go isn't like that at all. I wouldn't get picked up or hit on or anything.....it's not a meat market, it's about the music. So yes, will probably go next time I feel like it. I'd also had a couple of drinks last night and so, I don't like going out by myself if I'm not sober.