
Author Topic: Post what you're thinking right now.  (Read 450766 times)

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16950 on: May 26, 2008, 09:37:20 AM »
^That's amazing.

Where did you get the picture from?

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16951 on: May 26, 2008, 10:34:27 AM »
^That's amazing.

Where did you get the picture from?
Got it here:
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and I leave with nothing but love,
everything else is just borrowed.

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16952 on: May 26, 2008, 11:53:16 AM »
Once upon a time I thought Intensity's premise could be well applied to creative critique (what I'd give for harsh and useful honesty!) but that experiment went badly belly-up. Virtually no one else in this corner of the autism community are interested.
I feel a bit pissed off about this in the way I can't give honest criticism although I would like to. The creative part of my brain seems missing. I have read your Dekan writing by the way and wondered what happened after. Are you doing that in installments? I know if I can understand a story and see it in my mind, then I will probably enjoy reading it. It is the subject/genre that I don't understand in yours. :-\ I should have written that in that thread, really.

Thanks for looking at it, though, even if it didn't make sense. It was just an isolated scene, not part of a longer story yet, though I might still add to it. What did you mean that you didn't understand the genre? It's supposed to be fantasy. The subject was an argument between a man and a woman about another world. One wants to keep it secret and the other doesn't.

If the creative part of your brain is missing, how come you like Stargate? I thought it took creativity or imagination of some kind to enjoy SF.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.


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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16953 on: May 26, 2008, 12:25:47 PM »

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16954 on: May 26, 2008, 12:47:46 PM »
^That's amazing.

Where did you get the picture from?
Got it here:

Cool website, Tesla.

I'm relieved that the Phoenix made it down to the Martian surface OK too.

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16955 on: May 26, 2008, 01:39:59 PM »

sounds bananas to me, unless you're doing something insane with the tense: there are plenty of novels written in the present tense.  i've written one, and it's probably my most accessible.  can you ask for more specific feedback, cos people being thrown just be the present tense really does sound odd.

I'm not doing anything insane with the tense - you saw that already.

that's what i thought, which is why i think it sounds bananas.  are your readers/commentators all mad?

I plan to post another piece for them and see what they say. It switches tense partway through. The thing I'm concerned about is potential readership - it's a tough market and publishers will know that, so even if the people rejecting it are doing it for petty reasons, they'll still be taken into account surely. I suspect it's partly a genre thing, the hardcore F/SF people being strait-laced, which would mean looking for more alternative publishers. What are some of the present tense novels you know?

cripes, can't think of any off the top of my head.  i'll think about it, and let you know.

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16956 on: May 26, 2008, 01:44:56 PM »
Cal's forum/blog is dying too. I don't know the patterns of ZOMG that well but it's not as active as it was a month ago. I don't know what happened to Fractalus (link's broken now) and OTS gets only a post or two a day.

Either everyone's at WP, there are big communities I don't know about, or people are drifting offline.

I blame both a lack of conflict and a lack of substance, but that's just me.

I tend to agree.
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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16957 on: May 26, 2008, 01:47:55 PM »
It's getting nice out and the longer days is taking it's toll

That and the days of forums is dying out.  People don't want to put up with drama anymore, a lot don't want conflict or constant battling.  IMHO, a forum has a limited life span anyway.  Younger people are more into Blogs and Myspace sites.  DeviantArt allows for self expression and isn't an aspie specific forum, but, it's quite aspie friendly and it's very very busy.

As I mentioned on the Drivel and the Morthaur forum, I'm drifting away from AS/autism specific sites.  It's not who I am completely, it's a part of me.  I feel like I have said, done, just about anything I can say or do in regards to AS/autism.  And I feel that all the forums I'v been on have finished helping me explore that part of me.  Now I'm striving for balance, between Steve the Aspie and Steve the man, husband, father, lover, creative person, guitar student, volcano obsessor (in the geology circles, we're referred to as "Shake and Baker's  :laugh: ), traveller/wanderer, etc.  I don't want to focus specifically on AS/autism anymore, except where it relates to my daughter and her needs.  And she's got a helluva good grasp on that aspect of herself.  She's not interested in forums at all.  She used to like AFF chatroom, but, then drifted off to her other sites for fun and games.  At some point, I expect her to do more of a blog thing or myspace thing.

It should be interesting to see what happens.

I don't see this place as being an AS/autism site, specifically. Lots of spazzes, yes, but I come here for the banter and the occasional drama, not to ponder on my so-called disability. God knows I get that enough in the real world.
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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16958 on: May 26, 2008, 01:48:57 PM »
Sigh. I don't like blogs. I read others' but I couldn't imagine how to keep one. My communication methods just don't operate that way - they're far too geared to each individual in each moment.

Not  my cup of tea either.  I have one on the Drivel, but, I have said so much in my fractalus journal, it's hard to come up with new and interesting stuff from my boring life!   :laugh:

I used to have my own blog but I can't be arsed to update it as often as I would need to.
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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16959 on: May 26, 2008, 02:01:54 PM »
that's what i thought, which is why i think it sounds bananas.  are your readers/commentators all mad?

LOL - dunno yet. Maybe we're the mad ones. Have you gotten any negative reactions to your novel because of the tense? What was the rationale behind present tense for you?

cripes, can't think of any off the top of my head.  i'll think about it, and let you know.

Thanks :)
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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16960 on: May 26, 2008, 02:14:25 PM »
that's what i thought, which is why i think it sounds bananas.  are your readers/commentators all mad?

LOL - dunno yet. Maybe we're the mad ones. Have you gotten any negative reactions to your novel because of the tense? What was the rationale behind present tense for you?

nope.  i used present tense because i wanted to be in her head all the time - the point of the novel is about perspective, and how she sees things when "reality" isn't necessarily exactly what she see/perceives/thinks.

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16961 on: May 26, 2008, 02:21:50 PM »
I tend to agree.

Which is rather ironic, considering how the last one ended. Maybe I should be blaming a lack of conflict resolution:P
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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16962 on: May 26, 2008, 02:37:04 PM »
It is rather ironic, yes, but let's face it, Internet drama's good for the post count. :P
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16963 on: May 26, 2008, 03:52:30 PM »
Hey, I've faced it a long time ago. I'm the one who revels in the conflict. It's others who seem to get tired of it.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Online renaeden

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Re: Post what you're thinking right now.
« Reply #16964 on: May 27, 2008, 07:32:06 AM »
Thanks for looking at it, though, even if it didn't make sense. It was just an isolated scene, not part of a longer story yet, though I might still add to it. What did you mean that you didn't understand the genre? It's supposed to be fantasy. The subject was an argument between a man and a woman about another world. One wants to keep it secret and the other doesn't.
I guess that sci-fi and fantasy get mixed up in my mind. I was expecting sci-fi (I don't know why) and the story seems fantasy with a bit of sci-fi (planets make me think sci-fi) added. I didn't notice the present tense and is that a good thing? I was more into the story than anything else. Most curious about Jose. His past and what he will learn from Marai.

I wrote a story in the present tense when I was in high school. It was my decision to do it that way. The story was shit so any marks I got were probably for the unexpected use of present tense.

Your story needs editing to clear up who says what and the transition between Jose and Marai/man whose name I have forgotten already, ( ::) me ). You already know this but I would definitely like to read more if that is ok.
If the creative part of your brain is missing, how come you like Stargate? I thought it took creativity or imagination of some kind to enjoy SF.
With visual sci-fi I am just receiving and it doesn't take a lot of imagination for me, but I do need to understand it or I am lost. I had to watch The Fifth Element three times before I understood it. Star Trek moves slow to me, Stargate is faster and so sometimes I have to watch an episode a number of times to "get it". I just process information slowly at times I think.

Reading is different. Probably why the transition from novel to movie can end in disaster, "the book is better". To me, The Lord of the Rings trilogy was torture to read. Two pages to describe a hillside? I couldn't see. It was like reading through a fog and knowing some great things were going on and I was missing out. I could see in your story, Pyraxis.

I can speed-read at times. I can proof-read and sort of edit.
I find it very hard to write. There are too many images/ideas to translate into words. The way I was taught to write in school was not the way for me learn. I read a lot but I hardly ever write.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 07:33:59 AM by renaeden »
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