It's getting nice out and the longer days is taking it's toll
That and the days of forums is dying out. People don't want to put up with drama anymore, a lot don't want conflict or constant battling. IMHO, a forum has a limited life span anyway. Younger people are more into Blogs and Myspace sites. DeviantArt allows for self expression and isn't an aspie specific forum, but, it's quite aspie friendly and it's very very busy.
As I mentioned on the Drivel and the Morthaur forum, I'm drifting away from AS/autism specific sites. It's not who I am completely, it's a part of me. I feel like I have said, done, just about anything I can say or do in regards to AS/autism. And I feel that all the forums I'v been on have finished helping me explore that part of me. Now I'm striving for balance, between Steve the Aspie and Steve the man, husband, father, lover, creative person, guitar student, volcano obsessor (in the geology circles, we're referred to as "Shake and Baker's

), traveller/wanderer, etc. I don't want to focus specifically on AS/autism anymore, except where it relates to my daughter and her needs. And she's got a helluva good grasp on that aspect of herself. She's not interested in forums at all. She used to like AFF chatroom, but, then drifted off to her other sites for fun and games. At some point, I expect her to do more of a blog thing or myspace thing.
It should be interesting to see what happens.