No doubt it did with Pamela Anderson hope the Teletubbies had some fun in the end.

I understand it took Dipsy several months of chiropractic treatments to return to work, Tinky-winky...well unfortunately he was arrested for indecent exposure for dancing in the nude with his red purse, down some street in England while drunk. Before they resumed filming. I took several weeks to scrub down the set and repair the damage. Thats when they decided to just stick with the rabbits running around the grass. Even though if you look closely enough, you'll notice a camera angle catches a couple of the rabbits, going at rabbits! Sort of an in joke among the camera operators. The rabbits are all supposed to be of the same sex, but, a good in joke is too good to waste.
As for PO, he found his calling in porn and never went back. Lala has achieved good financial success, she found a calling in phone sex for people who like being spoken dirty to in Mandarin Chinese. She and Dipsy married and together with Po, have an open relationship, since with her insatiable sexual appetites and Dipsy's lingering injuries, Po keeps her happy and Dipsy gets a break, everybody wins!  The original Tinky-Winky went to live in Thailand. Why??? Trust me you don't want to know. Lets just say he's serving a life term in a Bangkok jail, very sad, very sad. "One night in Bangkok" and his whole life crumbled!