Ok, Heres the story of the lost teletubbies episode..rated X
Long ago, the creators of the teletubbies decided to have "guest" visitors come to teletubby land to play. Sort of what you see on Sesame Street. Unfortunately, they had a hard time convincing big name stars to visit this show. So they got desperate, Pamela Anderson was visiting England at that time, so they asked her to be on. And she said yes!! So the night before taping, she had partied most of the night in her usual way and was decently hung over and tired from her "encounter" with a rock star that same night.
So thats the way she arrived on the set. Hung over and more than a little bit horny! Now the creators thought that they would have some sort of little crisis crop up with the teletubbies and Pamela Anderson would solve it in teletubby style. And the "brilliant" idea was to have the tubby custard machine stop working.........so there are the teletubbies, anxiously babbling away in tubby talk about no custard and being hungry, there's Pamela Anderson, mildly hung over, horny and wanting this to end so she could get back to her rock star and getting laid. So out of nowhere, she rips her shirt off and says, "you want something to eat, try these!" (Did I mention that Pamela Anderson is not exactly the sharpest tack in the drawer) Well, you could have heard a pin drop on the set, and before you knew it, Tinky-Winky was at one nipple and PO was at the other. The stage crew were in shock and the camera just kept on rolling. But, they weren't in shock long.....

, now Pam was getting pretty aroused at this time, (did I mention that she was a bit horny). So looking around, she spied Dipsy and his head gear, so while Tinky-Winky and Po were attending to her nips. She grabbed Dipsy and began using his head gear to service her nether regions. The shock had by now worn off and the other cast and crew were joining in on what has turned into an orgy of legendary proportions. All of which was recorded by camera's left running.
So to make a short story long, this went on for a little while and since this was all done on a closed set, no one outside the buidling had a clue. Except for Pam leaving, smiling, dishevelled, holding her torn blouse together, which most people took as normal for her.
So after they cleaned things up, it was decided that there would be no more guest stars and the film would be destroyed. Well, in the best "laid" plans....you guessed it all the film was stolen by various crew members for sale over the internet. All mention of this was expunged from studio records and Pam got a rather hefty fee to keep it quiet, of course that was before the 2 "home movie's"
surfaced of her and a couple of ex's. Which made the whole point moot. Cast and crew were also sworn to secrecy....yeah right...
and the rest is history. The BBC has spent millions trying to destroy all the tapes ever made.
So there you have it, the "Lost" tele tubbies episode. Rated X, well, more XXX.