Damn habituation, am glad though am so attentivie.
So horny, intensity of desire has gone up, go DHEA!
I would not get your hopes up Soph, I think I will not me jacking off very much, its tied to certain things I really want.
I even got myself into trouble overeating, then calmned down with that, next I exercised lots to curve my weight, now I am cutting down on that to. I came to the conclusion that it was to keep me from coming to some harsh reality, about love. I wasn't hard, thanks to visualization. I came up with ideas to help me through, insights if you will, that help me get the job done. There is always tommorow to enjoy food, was one of them. The visualization made change easy to deal with, so when I took things away, it didn't feel like such a drag. I gave me something else to do, to distract my mind from the above. Its the same as the above type of thing. It made trying to get my goals a joy and not a job. I love challenges!
Jessica did text me yesterday, now all I got to do is remember and choose logically, which thing I said, got her attention. Little manipulation.
I did admit to her one time I was trying to get her attention, but it still works on her. I don't feel so bad about taking advantage of her now.

As long as I know what is going too far and I do.