Had to be done. My self-control only stretches so far, and I've been trying to be diplomatic with him lately. 
don't forget the fact that you just gave up tobacco and are probably easily irritated.
that's true. I was actually quite mellow last night cos I was munted, but I'll have the get out of jail free card anyway.

So Duc am I supposed to care? Why don't you worry more about yourself, you need to. 
The pure suffering of Duc is music to my ears. I will imagine that when I am annoyed next time by something.
what makes you think I'm
suffering, you deranged toothpick?

you should care. of course, if you'd rather be a
cunt all your life, rather than recognising and learning from the stupid things you do, go right ahead.
Anyway, since you've made it clear that you are determined to behave like a selfish, brain dead twat with no social skills whatsoever, and have declared yourself an NT, don't expect any more slack from me. I'll treat you like I would any other thick, ignorant, self-obsessed arsehole - and tell you exactly what I think, in as many entertaining, humiliating ways I can think of.