Fuck, fuck.
My trichotillomania's getting worse.
Our daughter has trichotillomania.

Which hair does she pull?
I used to do my eyelashes when I was younger and ended up without any 
Now I just do the head really.
Well, she started with eyelashes and eyebrows till she had none, then she went to the back and top of the head. She's gotten a lot better at controlling or distracting the urges to pull. But, the eyelashes are disappearing again. However, the lashes can be somewhat concealed with an eyeliner or eye pencil. Which my wife has taught her to use. We got her into counselling early on, not to make it go away, which it never will. But, to learn techniques to control or do other things to make it manageable. She also takes an antidepressant that has been shown to be somewhat effective at helping her control the urges to pull hair. Fluvoxamine Maleate 50mg. The urge to pull is strongest when she's under stress or big changes are happening. However, our goal over the next few years is to wean her off the med completely. In fact she's down from 75 mg to the present 50mg.
We also found a shampoo and conditioner that she really likes, it's called "Karastase" and it seems to have helped with her head hair. Don't ask me why, but, it's better than meds in the long run.

I should also add that this condition is genetic, hard wired into her brain. I have a similar condition, but, rather than pull my hair, I pick my lips, sometimes till they bleed. It was worse when I was younger. I sometimes wonder if it's some kind of stim.