stop printing topics you gaybot
why is no one here? 
i wish the yahoobot would talk to me
the googlebot would
googlebot is my friend
yahoobot is too busy viewing for me 
Actually ...
I was awake about the time of your post, but I went for a walk and had some water, instead of going to the computer.
I hit the bag (mostly footwork) for almost an hour, then had some coffee before work. I got there at four AM, my time. I had a decent day, until the "others" started to heckle me about being stupid.
Fact is I PASSED!
none of the otehrs have even tried!
... but they still amde me feel stupid.
rethinking a bit ...
... if I could use the same skills on them that I use on my bag, they would not make me hurt so fucking bad. I would be able to turn it all around a bit quicker. They would bleed.