Damnit, will you QUIT reminding me of that? Jesus!
Damnit, you keep calling me and then you leave me hanging! What is it you want this time???
To keep rebelling against your dad's more arbitrary rules without going against your (mucyh cooler) whole don't-fuck-thy-neightbor-over deal. It's win-win- I have fun, and you get to live vicariously through me (seeing as you weren't allowed to do this type of fun stuff). When I see you next, I promise you LOTS of fun stories- with DETAILS! 
I have been working on "Mr. Starch in his underwear" for the last 2000 years.

He's been like that for eternity, ain't gonna change over night!

When I come back, I ain't livin vicariously through anyone.............................I intend to make up for lost time and I do mean, MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME!

ooops sorry,

But, I'll be happy to listen to your stories!