Oh, and RIP Gygax, creator of D&D, who died at 69.
Which is prolly farther than most gaming geeks manage to get until they stop pretending they're orcs and elves. *ducks onslaught of angrily-thrown dice*
/throws dice
I don't play as elves or orcs anymore.
I like to make a custom race haha. I never got into 3rd edition rules as I was more of a 2.0 ruleset person back when I played.
@GA: WoW is a generic crap MMORPG based on series with well established lore that hit at the right time. 3D Diablo gameplay, basically watered down real time Baldur's Gate in a multiplayer setting. WoW just brought that shit to the masses.
You should totally give my some of your second-edtion-preferring manlovin'. Hey, it wouldl almost be like having sex with me by proxy!
Your what? current? Are you saying that me and your current are second edition geeks and should get together for some ghey maloving? I don't think that would be like having sex with you by proxy. The question would be if we would let you watch or prefer for you to be an active particpant.
ex, actually. He had a thing for second edition D&D. I edited after I posted and apparently deleted the word "ex," lol (rather symbolic.)
And, haven't you ever heard that when you sleep with someone you're basically also sleeping with everyone they ever slept with?