Psst. Can you keep a secret? If not, don't read below, because I don't want it widely known
that it's more of a running gag than anything else
that I'm a 100% heartless crazy bitch. 
Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone that you are an insane bitch with no heart.
Still, do you think that both are possible? If you are uncaring at times, you can still technically be moral. Some of the more immoral acts come from caring. That depends on your definition of morals though, whether you are a moral relativist or absolutist.
I got that it was a running gag quite some time ago.
Good, lol.And, yeah, you could be immoral and caring, or uncaring and moral, depending on your morality. As for absolutism vs relativism, I think that the way I view morality might be a sort of relativism stemming from underliying absolutism- there are certain core values or beliefs I'd base moral decisions on, but the way that would translate would some out differently in different situations, and different states of mind on my part.