I think I have something horrible inside me that sees always the worst or at least the most nauseating possibility.
I stepped out, a couple of hours ago, with my kaffa buni and my pipe to enjoy the warmest morning in over a week. (very near frezzing for a low)
At my neighbor's house, a stranger was there to pick up an infant who had apparently stayed the night. I was just getting comfortable when they came out of the house. When they re-started their car, after properly stowing the baby, the car made a horrible noise and then they shut it off. They started it over and over and the horrible noise was still there, although changing a little each time they re-started.
I was only a few feet away and I told the guy it sounded like they "had picked up a cat in the (SERPENTINE) belt system."
When he opened the hood, it turned out that I was right. Our local cow kitty, whose tracks in the snow have saved me from certain dissolve into winter's furor, (male, very much interested in my young Nena last month, when she came into heat) is dead, splattered all over the inside of their engine compartment.