'Twas the most fun the site's EVER been though. 
It certainly made the place entertaining to start with, but it seems to have driven a lot of people away- although really who knows why a lot of people don't post as often as they used to. 
I'v been wondering why some people stop posting as much or go away. I think it's just a normal thing, yes, I think there are a few people that are driven away for whatever reasons. But, I think the majority may be just people drifting away or possibly getting tired of forums. It seems with myspace and blogs, if your not satisfied with a forum, you can create your own mini-discussion area to put out opinions and get feedback in ways that each individual can control by themselves. I know a few people at AI and Fractalus that have done so.
I know there are times that I just can't come up with something to say, quip, pun or react to. I'v drifted away from OTS and aspergianpride. I only check on The Neurolands when needed. Same with AI. Fractalus and here I'v got a bit more "invested". I sort of feel with AS/autism forums I don't have anything new or more to say.

It's been, what, 5-6 years since "Aspergia" blazed upon the scene?? Things have changed a lot for me and I'm sure for many others. And more changes are coming in all of our lives. Hopefully good ones!!

Anywho, thats my half assed theory resulting from pondering the imponderable.