Not me.
I'm actually feeling OK, spiritually, but I am a little regretful, embarrassed even, that I seem to use Intensity as my own personal blog. I just post shit about me and mine all over the place. I, me, mine, I, me, mine, I, me, mine, I, me, mine, I, me, mine.
I don't know why I do this to you guys. I actually have respect for some of you.

I will try to do better in the future.
Fuck off dawg. * purposefulinsanity bitchslaps dirtdawg
Your posts are those rare things, ones that are always worth reading, so don't apologise for sharing with us all.
*blinks, once, waits, watching intently for her boobs to stop jiggling after that foreplay slap*
I guess I feel a bit of guilt that I put out so fucking much verbiage. Then I blast it all over the fucking board, like a hose-down after the fire is out. Even if this place is NOT supposed to be a community, I am still hogging the trough. I need to let others have the floor for a bit.
If we are trying to become a real community, then where the hell have you been, how the hell are ya? What have you been doing for fun lately. What makes the days go by too fast for you? How are tricks? (

What about some of the others. McJ just pops in for a minute these days and then he's gone, again. Where is QuirkCarla? Lucifer's back! (although I have no idea what it looks like.) Pyraxis has a new job, but she is mute. Peter is going through some of his worst times and seems to have no one there for him. BadgerTom barely ever visits. PMS Elle has gone through so much that she is barely recognizable and yet, again, she is mostly mute. What about Nomaken? Kevv also has been through major changes and yet dropped off the radar, until yesterday. What about Mordock and Kiriana? Even Tesla, who was nominated for an admin position does NOT post.
Maybe, when someone pops in, they would post more if the whole fucking place was not already awash with my little burdensome affairs. I feel like I've done too much to put some of the others off. I've even become a maniacal postwhore for chrissakes. I honestly think that we could remove half my post at random and the place would be better off. I hate being a fucking thread closer too. Often, I should just keep my self centered bullshit to myself and let others talk, even if they're not talking to me!
Don't get me wrong! I'm not in some emo "please tell me I'm valid" mood or any bullshit like that.
I just want to hear from others. I am tired of my crap taking the center stage.
I guess i'm thinking that more community would help us all.