i didn't know it did damage to the brain.
Some studies indicate that in the long run, SSRIs fuck up neural paths.
SSRIs never made me comfortably numb. In fact they never did anything I liked, at all. I was even more depressed and borderline suicidal while taking them (almost three years with four different ones), all the time, being re-assured by the doctor that these "side effects" would pass in time and I cried a lot. I had no control of any strong emotion, even happiness. I felt even more like a woman than ever, in that regard. Hell, I couldn't even watch
Forrest Gump without a fucking tissue box. I was actually a basket case. It is no wonder they decided that they did not need my position at my old job.
I tried to keep it at home and not over re-act in public, but I am sure I made some mistakes.