I know there's no such thing as the "perfect" boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife, but that doesn't keep me from wishing that my parents would each be just a teensy bit more quixotic in what they hope for in their respective love lives. (Of course, my dad will never have it half as good as he did with my mom, but he can do better. Surely there's a happy medium between staying with the woman he's with now, and sending my hot 21-year-old model-looking friend a love letter. As for my mom.... it starts.)
You want your dad to cheat on your mum?
No; they'd have to be married for that. They're no longer together because he cheated on her when I was three. It's just that right now they both seem to be in for rleationship woes with their
seperate SO's. My dad's girlfriend is a woman who he keeps trying to leave and keeps going back to, and she keeps fucking him up. She'd probably be a decent girlfriend for him if she wasn't an active alcoholic, but since she is, she's poison, and he's in a bad way now anyway. My mother, on the other hand, has finally moved in with her husband, and they're having some troubles that have me on redalert- reasonable, considering her history with men.
It's all a teensy weensy bit convoluted, and epxlanation tends to make it more confusing before it makes it less.